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Are Electronic Cigarettes Safer Cigarettes?
Journal of the Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2011; 2(2): 69-78
Published online July 15, 2011
© 2011 The Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.

Jung-Rae Park1, Eun Ji Kim2, Cheol Min Lee3*

1Bethesda Samsung General Hospital, 2Korean Association of Smoking and Health, 3Healthcare System Gangnam Center Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Electronic cigarettes developed by Hon Lik, Chinese pharmacist, intended to reduce concentrations of toxic compounds in mainstream and side stream smoke and to help smokers give up. They are battery powered devices that mimic tobacco cigarettes by vaporizing nicotine and other chemicals into an inhalable vapor. World Health Organization named this as electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS), and recommended that ENDS products should be regulated as combination drugs and medical devices and not as tobacco products. Because of the fact that ENDS might facilitate and perpetuate nicotine addiction, claims that ENDS assist smoking cessation should be prohibited, unless the efficacy of these devices, when used as intended, is scientifically proven to the satisfaction of regulatory authorities. More rigorous chemical analyses are needed, followed by extensive research involving animal studies and, finally clinical trials in humans. Until these crucial implementation stages are completed, physicians and other healthcare professionals must inform consumers of the probable risk of the claims of manufactures of electronic cigarettes.
Keywords : Electronic cigarette; Smoking cessation; Effectiveness; Safety
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